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Funeral Plan FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions - Funeral Plan

We hope that you have found our website useful and informative. Funeral plans faq (frequently asked questions), will help you find the answers you are looking for regarding funeral plans By clicking on the list below, you will be able to see, at a glance, answers to all the most frequently asked questions. If you require any further information, please don't hesitate to contact us and let one of our friendly advisors assist you.

What does a Safe Hands funeral plan include?

Safe Hands offers 3 different funeral plan options to suit different tastes and budgets. All, as a minimum, include a hearse, a lined and fitted coffin, 24 hour transfer of the deceased, care and preparation of the deceased, funeral director's fees and funeral services, plus 3rd party fees (otherwise known as 'disbursements').

What are funeral director fees?

Funeral Director's fees cover all elements of the funeral that are provided by the funeral director directly - such as the hearses, limousines, care and preparation of the deceased, etc.

What are 3rd Party Fees / Disbursements?

3rd Party fees, or 'disbursements', refer to costs for services included in your chosen funeral plan that are paid by the funeral director directly. These are cremation fees (national average £600), doctor's fees (£157) and celebrant or minister's fees (£180). Your plan covers 3rd Party Fees up to a limit of £1000. The disbursement limit will be increased annually in line with RPI. There may be a balance to pay up at the time of need if the 3rd Party Fees payable by the funeral director on your behalf when you die, exceed the allowance in your plan (+RPI) at that time.

Is a burial more expensive?

Yes. The funeral director's costs and services remain exactly the same for both cremation and burial. However, because interment costs vary enormously according to different local authorities pricing, only when we know where you wish to be buried can we give you a fixed price.

Can I choose the funeral director?

Yes. Safe Hands works in partnership with a nationwide network of NFFD (National Federation of Funeral Directors) approved independent funeral directors, many of whom offer over 100 years' experience providing top quality funeral services within their local communities. If the funeral director you wish to use is not an NFFD Member, prior to you paying for your funeral plan we will approach them to ensure they are happy to undertake your funeral on our behalf.

Can I tailor or alter my funeral plan?

Yes. All Safe Hands funeral plans can be tailored to suit individual tastes and preferences. Safe Hands funeral plans can also be altered or added to at any time (additional cost may be applicable depending on nature and extent of alterations).

Does Safe Hands offer an Eco-friendly funeral plan option?

Yes. Safe Hands is able to arrange eco-friendly or green funerals at a range of woodland sites across the UK. Due to the bespoke nature of eco-friendly funerals, we request that you contact us to discuss your precise wishes, after which we can provide a firm price.

Can I purchase a funeral plan on someone else's behalf?

Yes. Upon application, simply make us aware that this is your intention.

I have changed my mind. Can I get a refund?

If you decide to cancel your funeral plan within 28 days, you are entitled to a full, no-quibble, refund. If you choose to cancel your funeral plan after 28 days, a £395 cancellation fee will apply.

What if the plan holder dies while abroad or away from home?

If the plan holder dies abroad then repatriation is the responsibility of their next of kin; the cost of repatriation is usually covered by travel insurance, however, if the plan holder dies away from home in the UK, the allocated funeral director will arrange the collection and any additional mileage above that included within the funeral plan will be changed (by the funeral director).

Can I make personal requests within my funeral plan?

Yes. All NFFD approved funeral directors will go out their way to honour any special requests. For example, why not ask the funeral director to walk the hearse to the crematorium or cemetery?

How do I pay for my Safe Hands funeral plan?

You can pay for funeral plan in a single lump sum, or spread the cost over an extended term up to a maximum of 10 years (if paid over 12 months, interest is free!)

Do I have to take a medical?

No. Safe Hands funeral plans are available to anyone over the age of 18 - regardless of current health, or medical history.

Are there any hidden charges?

No. Everyone in the Safe Hands team is trained to ensure you fully understand exactly what your funeral plan covers before it is paid for.

What is not included within my funeral plan?

Safe Hands funeral plans include everything that is required for a traditional burial or cremation. You may order or request any number of special additions (frequently at no extra cost). We will ensure that you fully understand exactly what is included within your funeral plan before it is paid for.